How would kids in Brazil and Mexico describe themselves and their families?

We found out in our recent study, The World According to Kids, which surveyed almost 6,000 kids aged 6 to 11 across 18 countries, including Brazil and Mexico.

Here’s some of what we learned:

In Brazil and Mexico, kids are more likely than their global peers to describe themselves as smart. Globally, kids are most likely to describe themselves as friendly and kind. After “smart,” kids in Brazil see themselves as curious and those in Mexico see themselves as creative.

Above all, kids in Brazil and Mexico describe their families as loving. After “loving,” those in Brazil are more likely than their global peers to say their families are fun, protective, and hard-working. Mexican kids are more likely to describe their families as supportive and hard-working. Kids in both countries are more likely than their global peers to say that time with family makes them happy. When they feel sad, the #1 thing to make Brazilian and Mexican kids feel better is a hug from Mom or Dad. Within their families, 6 in 10 kids in both countries say they are closest to their mom.

In both countries, kids’ favorite family activity is watching a movie at home – among kids globally, vacation is most popular. In Brazil, the next most popular family activities are shopping for things for themselves, watching funny videos, going on vacation, and going to the movies. In Mexico, going to the movies, going on walks, shopping for themselves, and vacations were other favorite family activities.

When they get older, kids in Brazil and Mexico are most excited to have a home of their own. Brazilian and Mexican kids are much more likely than kids globally to look forward to owning a home, traveling, making the world a better place, and choosing their own clothes. Kids in Brazil are also more likely to look forward to making lots of money.

To a greater degree than their global peers, Brazilian and Mexican kids want to help others and support good causes. Almost 9 out of 10 kids from both countries believe it’s important to help people in their community, compared with 78% globally. More than 8 in 10 like brands that are environmentally friendly, compared with 68% globally. And in the end, Brazilian and Mexican kids believe their generation can create positive change. While 75% of kids globally believe their age group has the potential to change the world for the better, that rises to almost 90% among kids in Brazil and Mexico.