Relaxing at home is often synonymous with kicking back and watching a favorite TV show or movie.

In our latest study of global adults we delved into the meaning of home, spanning 18 countries to reach over 11,000 people aged 25 to 64. This is part of a series of stories that dive into this topic.

Here’s what we learned about TV and the feeling of home:

Home is where people escape their everyday hardships. Life is stressful, and home is a sanctuary from the outside world for 90% of adults.  It’s where most people feel like they can unwind after a hard day. The simple act of relaxing makes 62% of adults feel at home. For 79%, the furniture used for relaxing like sofas and beds are an important factor in feeling at home.

For many, feeling at home involves a TV set.  Two-thirds of adults (66%) say the TV makes them feel at home. More than 6 in 10 (62%) say the TV is a central part of their home.

Watching TV – or just hearing it – makes some people feel at home. For 50% of adults, watching TV shows and movies creates an “at home” feeling. The sound of TV or radio creates an atmosphere that makes 37% feel at home. As we heard from 41-year-old Janella in the UK, “If I had to recreate the feeling of home somewhere else, I’d probably do the same things I normally do at home, like sitting in front of the telly. Nowadays you can watch anything anywhere.”