For Kids in Spain, Time with Loved Ones Is the Antidote to Stress
How do children in Spain differ from their global peers?
Drawn from our latest studies on kids and families, here are some new insights on Spanish kids aged 6 to 11 and their parents:
When Spanish kids feel anxious, they turn to family and friends. Kids in Spain are significantly more likely then global kids to relieve stress by spending time with family and friends (62% vs. 50% globally). Other ways they’re more likely to deal with stress include watching TV (47% vs. 42% globally), listening to music (44% vs. 40% globally) and exercise/playing a sport (33% vs. 28% globally). They’re less likely than their global peers to play games on a phone or tablet to alleviate anxiety (33% vs. 28% globally).
More than anything, Spanish parents want their families to be happy, safe and stable. Moms and dads in Spain worry more than parents elsewhere about keeping their children happy (90% vs. 78% globally). Security is a big concern, with 89% worried about their parents’ health and safety (vs. 80% globally) and 85% worried about being safe in general (vs. 69% globally). Their finances are another source of unease, with 90% saying they’re concerned about not having enough money. And for a majority, it’s important to feel like they’re making their significant other proud of them (84% vs. 59% globally).
Spanish parents encourage their kids’ autonomy, but their kids feel less independent than their global peers. Among parents in Spain, 81% believe that parents should always give their child as much independence as possible (vs. 74% globally). However, 72% of Spanish kids describe themselves as independent (vs. 76% globally).
Spanish kids are eager to learn, optimistic, persistent and resilient. In Spain, 92% of kids describe themselves as “curious about the world” (vs. 89% globally) and 90% say they always look for the positive (vs. 85% globally). A majority feel that they can accomplish anything if they work hard enough (90% vs. 87% globally), that it’s better to try things and risk making mistakes than never try at all (87% vs. 85% globally), and that they are able to deal with whatever life throws at them (77% vs. 68% globally).
Most help out at home, especially with childcare. More than three-quarters of Spanish kids participate in household chores (77% vs. 73% globally), and childcare is their most common task (49% vs. 39% globally). They’re less likely to help with shopping, cooking and cleaning (32% vs. 44% globally).