What role does streaming content play in the lives of Indian teens and young adults?

To find out, MTV India Insights Studio recently conducted a survey of people aged 15 to 25 across 50 cities in India, as well as multiple types of qualitative research, such as expert salons, digital diaries, friend triads, and interviews with parents and subject matter experts.

Here’s some of what we learned from this research:

Young Indians stream TV shows and movies to escape the judgment of others. Two-thirds of young Indians (67%) feel that streaming apps allow them to watch what they want without fear of judgment. In contrast, 62% say that social media is stressful because of judgment.

Content helps them forget their problems. Young Indians increasingly want to watch shows to escape into an imaginary world – growing from 16% in 2019 to 21% in 2021. They see other emotional benefits as well. Two-thirds say that watching content on streaming apps helps them feel more “expressive and free as a person” and almost as many (64%) believe that shows help them forget their troubles.

They have a growing preference for escapist content. Compared with two years ago, young Indians are more interested in stories about the good life. The percentage who say they like stories “where people struggle to win” fell from 75% in 2019 to 58% in 2021. Those preferring stories about luxury have risen from 25% in 2019 to 42% in 2021.