Our global insight project on the Millennial generation received its debut in Poland on Tuesday, 14th of May as part of a marketing to Millennials masterclass in Warsaw, organized by Viacom International Media Networks and TVN Group’s Premium TV.



The ream took over a cinema with over 230 attendees including media houses and agencies, and shared four inspiring presentations followed by a panel discussion pictured on the right (from left to right: Joeri van den Bergh, co-author of bestseller book: ”How cool brands stay hot?”; Mattias Behrer, SVP/General Manager for MTV for VIMN North Europe and co-author of the same book; Darek  Janczewski , VIMN country manager for Poland; Dr Mathias Wierth-Heining, Research Director for VIMN North Europe, and Jurek Dzięgielewski, Content Director for MTV at VIMN North Europe).

It was a great event where the VIMN North Europe team shared knowledge, exchanged experiences and answered questions regarding Millennials and marketing approaches towards them.